The brandmark was inspired by an orca, the symbol for harmony, longevity, and protection. The brand follows an aquatic theme, going for a more cool, calm, and soothing approach.

Bureau Grot Bold

Bureau Grot Medium

Helvetica Lt Std Book

calming blue
RGB 83.157.183
HEX #539DB7

thoughtful blue
RGB 8.103.136
HEX #086788
challenge and long term goal
Therafit's long term goal is to provide a trustworthy app that’s reliable and easy to use for a better and manageable life.

Therafit was carefully designed to keep the audience as calm and relaxed as possible.
During the research process, it was discovered that most mindfulness apps mainly focus on audio, causing confusion, frustration, and even add stress.
Due to these findings, the app took a more visual approach.

Writing in a journal has been proven to be effective in relieving stress.
The app allows the individual to listen to music while writing about their worries, concerns, or even happy thoughts.
Can save for reference or discard.
grounding exercise
This practice is used to help the individual ground themselves from a panic or anxiety attacks.
The exercise uses the five senses. It will guide the individual through each step to achieve positive results.

breathing exercise
Long deep breaths can calm the body and allow the brain to receive the required level of oxygen.
Breathing exercises have proven to be effective in relaxing the body and mind.

Therafit is a tool, not a substitute for therapy. It's highly recommended for people to seek professional help when anxiety becomes excessive and interferes with personal life.
Therafit has a function that allows the individual to schedule therapy appointments with ease. The design makes it visually clear and easy to stay organized.

The most popular type of exercise to relax the mind is meditation.
The app allows you to pause an exercise and resume later.